Monthly Archives: August 2014


Harmonics are great, no two ways about it. They exist at nodal points on the guitar and sound like little diamonds sparkling from the instrument. They often capture the imagination of the audience leaving them [...]

Chords 2: Inversions

For some reason, classical guitarists, more than any other genre of guitar, think of chords in root position. Root position means that the root note (or tonic) of the chord is the lowest pitch of [...]

The Barre

The Barre The barre is a tricky technique to master in the beginner stages. Patience and perseverance will get you a long way, and know that you will be able to play barres if you [...]


Extensions The ol’ one finger per fret rule is well and good for a while but soon enough you will find yourself stretching out for that extra fret. An extension is simply when a left [...]

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