Giulio Regondi
Giulio Regondi (1822 – 1872) was a Swiss composer and guitarist. Regondi was a well-known performer from a young age. The child prodigy performed in a concert together with the young Emilia Giuliani in London in 1831. And Fernando Sor dedicated his Souvenir d’amitié (Op.46) to Regondi when he was only nine years old.
Regondi’s most important works include a set of ten etudes. He also wrote several substantial original works, including the Introduction et Caprice (Op.23) and Reverie Nocturne (Op.19). Like many of his contemporaries Regondi also composed a few variations on favorite opera themes by Bellini, Offenbach, and André.

Sheet Music
Étude 1:
Étude 1 (PDF download)
Étude 3:
Étude 3 (PDF download)
Étude 4:
Étude 4 (PDF download)
Reverie Nocturne, Op.19:
Reverie Nocturne, Op.19 (PDF download)
Fête Villageoise, Op.20:
Fête Villageoise, Op.20 (PDF download)
Air Varie 1, Op.21:
Air Varie 1, Op.21 (PDF download)
Air Varie 2, Op.22:
Air Varie 2, Op.22 (PDF download)
Introduction et Caprice, Op.23:
Introduction et Caprice, Op.23 (PDF download)