(Please note some sources may not have direct links as they are still under copyright.)
Cesare Negri, Lo Spagnoletto: Nuove Inventioni di Balli / Le Gratie d’Amore, part 3, fol.117 (IMSLP)
The Passe Meze Pavin: Dallis Lute Book, EIRE-Dublin, Trinity College Library, MS.410/1, fol.189r (Trinity College)
Emmanuel Adriaenssen, Canson Englesa: Pratum Musicum, fol.92r (IMSLP)
Jean-Baptiste Bésarde, Branle Gay: Thesaurus Harmonicus, Liber Octavus, fol.143 (IMSLP)
Fabrizio Caroso, Cascarda Castellana: Il Ballarino fol.140v (IMSLP)
Hans Neusidler, Die folget ein welscher tanz Wascha Mesa: Ein newgeordent künstlich Lautenbuch (IMSLP)
________, Ein niederländisch Tänzlein: Ein Newes Lautenbüchlein mit vil feiner lieblichen Liedern, für die jungen Schuler, fol.4r (Badische Landes Bibliothek)
Cesare Negri, Il Bianco Fiore: Le gratie d’Amore – Nuove Inventioni di Balli, fol.147 (IMSLP)
Pierre Blondeau, Tourdion: Dixhuit Basses Dances by Pierre Attaignant, fol.2r
Willsons Wilde: Dowland Lute Book, US-Washington, Folger-Shakespeare Library, Ms.V.b.280, fol.3r (IMSLP)
Italiana (Saltarello): Da un Codice Lautenbuch del Cinquecento by Oscar Chilesotti No.59 (IMSLP)
Italiana (Saltarello): Da un Codice Lautenbuch del Cinquecento by Oscar Chilesotti No.60 (IMSLP)
Villanella: Da un Codice Lautenbuch del Cinquecento by Oscar Chilesotti No.4 (IMSLP)
Pietro Paolo Borrono da Milano, Pescator che va cantando: Intavolatura de diversi autori by Antonio Castiglione (Milan: Casteliono, 1536), fol.39v and 40r (Österreichische Nationalbibliotek)
Pietro Paolo Borrono da Milano, Saltarello Burato: Intavolatura de diversi autori by Antonio Castiglione (Milan: Casteliono, 1536), fol.17r–v (Österreichische Nationalbibliotek)
Luis de Milan, Pavana 1: El Maestro, fol. G3v (IMSLP)
Joan Ambrosio Dalza, Calata alla Spagnola: Intablulatura de lauto (1508), Vol.IV, f.47v/48r
Marco dall’Aquila, La Traditora: Lauten Tabulaturen, BSB-Mus.ms.266 No.38c fol.33v
Robert Dowland, Almande: Margaret Board Lute Book, f.12v (Digital archive)
Vincenzo Galilei, Gagliarda Urania: Libro di Intavolatura per Liuto Parte Terza No.9 page190
Vincenzo Galilei, Gagliarda Astrea: Libro di Intavolatura per Liuto Parte Terza No.38 page 217 (IMSLP)
Alonso de Mudarra, Gallarda: Tres Libros en Cifras para Vihuela, book 1, fol.xx (IMSLP)
Thomas Robinson, A Gigue: The Schoole of Musicke, fol.Hii (IMSLP)
Hans Judenkunig, Christ ist erstanden: Utilis et Compendiaria, fol.15 (IMSLP)
What if a Day, or a Month, or a Year?: Jane Pickeringe Lute Book, GB-London, British Library, Eg.2046, fol.5 (IMSLP)
Calleno: William Ballet Lute Book, EIRE-Dublin, Trinity College Library, MS.408/1, fol.85 (Trinity College)
John Dowland, Orlando Sleepeth: MS Dd.2.11, f.55v, Cambridge University Library (Cambridge Digital Library)
Robin Hood Is to the Greenwood Gone: William Ballet Lute Book, EIRE-Dublin, Trinity College Library, MS.408/1, fol.113 (Trinity College)
Jean-Baptiste Bésarde, Campanae Parisenses: Novus Partus Tertia Pars No.47 (IMSLP)
William Cornysh, Jr., Ah Robyn, Gentyl Robyn: Henry VIII Manuscript, GB-Lbl Add. MS 31922, foll.102–3 (IMSLP)
John Dowland, Fortune, My Foe: MS Dd.4.22, Cambrige University Library fol.11v
(Cambridge Digital Library)
Francesco da Milano, De mon triste: Intabolatura di Liuto Libro Terzo fol.7r./7v.
Luis de Narváez, Canción del Emperador: Los seys libros del Delphin de musica de cifras para tañer la vihuela, book 3, fol.45 (IMSLP)
Francis Pilkington, Rest, Sweet Nymphs: The first book of songs or airs The English School of Lutenist Songwriters by Edmund Horace Fellowes page 24 (California University Digital Library)
John Dowland, Mr. Dowland’s Midnight: Margaret Board Lute Book, GB-Private Library of Robert Spencer, fol.26v (Casey Fitzpatrick Lute Facsimiles)
Francesco Spinacino, Recercare F49: Intabolatura de Lauto, Libro Primo, by Ottaviano Petrucci
fol.49rv/49v. (IMSLP)
Marco dall’Aquila, Recercare 33: Ms. 266 Munich, fol.28v (IMSLP)
Giovanni Maria de Crema, Recercare III: Intabolatura de Lauto Primo Livro (IMSLP)
Giovanni Maria de Crema, Recercare VI: Intabolatura de Lauto Primo Livro (IMSLP)
Luis de Milan, Fantasia 8: El Maestro, fol.C4v (IMSLP)
Francesco da Milano, Richercha (Fantasia 33): Siena Lute Book, fol.58v–59r (Philidor facsimile edition)
________, La Compagna (Fantasia 34): Siena Lute Book, fol.59r–59v (Philidor facsimile edition)
Alonso de Mudarra, Fantasia contrahaze que la harpa en la manera de Ludovico, Tres Libros en Cifras para Vihuela, book 1, foll.xiii–xv (IMSLP)
John Dowland, A Fancy: Cosens Lute Book, Add MS 3056, Cambridge Library University f.7v/8r (Cambridge University Digital Library)
________, Fantasie 7: Robert Dowland, A Varietie of Lute Lessons, fol. H–H2 (IMSLP)