One of the reasons the classical guitar is such an intimate and personal instrument is because we are directly connected to the sound production through our nails and fingers. Unlike the piano, where a hammer strikes the string, or a violin where a bow makes the string vibrate, we are in direct contact with the strings. For this reason we need to take great care with the nail surface and shape that touches the string because it will have an immediate effect on the tone we produce.
Before we even get started talking about nails, it is important to acknowledge that all hands are different. Long fingers, short, fat and skinny, our unique set of hands mean that we will develop a technique that it different from everyone else. On top of this, our nail shape, texture and angles are unique to us too, for better or for worse. Of course, this means that no one can definitively write down the perfect nail shape, or right hand position. Rather we can discuss good general tenets that will set ourselves up for some extensive experimentation.
Nail Shape
There are three main shapes that you will find amongst guitarists, a rounded nail, a flat nail and a ramped nail. Put simply, a rounded nail will follow the curvature of the fingertip, a flat nail will be shaped relatively straight across from left to right and a ramped nail with be shaped on an angle from left to right, or in some cases, right to left.
I suggest that if you are new to nail shaping, that you let your nails grow out to extend approximately 3mm from your fingertip, and shape them with a gentle curve that follows the flesh of your fingertip. The more gentle the curve of the nail, the more forgiving the sound will be with its variation. As you begin to ramp your nail, or try more angular shapes, the sound you produce will vary quite a bit depending on how accurately you place your nail on the string for each note.
Point of contact
To start off with prepare your nail to play on the string so that the string touches where the flesh and nail meet. Practice preparing this point very slowly so that you can build up consistency.
Direction of the nail across the string
You will find that the tone produced will change depending on the direction of your finger movement across the string. If the nail travels straight across the string, perpendicular to the string, it will get a clear and perhaps thin sound. In contrast, if you bring the nail across the string on a lengthwise angle, aiming from the fingerboard towards the bridge, you will get a fuller deeper sound. Also, you will want to experiment with plucking the string upwards, out from the soundboard, and also pressing in towards the soundboard. These two sounds are distinctly different and it a common mistake for beginner guitarists to pluck the string away from the soundboard getting a brittle sound, and sometimes catching the string with the nail which can slap against the fingerboard. If your nail is catching under the string, it probably has more to do with the angle you are playing the string that your nail length. Once again, experiment to see what movements work, and the best sounds that your hands can produce.
Regarding lesson # L102 nails and nail care. My fingernails grow downward, sort of curving around the fleshy tip of the finger, if-you-will, forming a sort of hook shape …. left this way they tend to “catch” the string sometimes, if i try to file the curved portion, then the nail becomes quite short…. I am looking for any sort of suggestion…. thank you. I am thinking quite seriously about beginning this course, but concerned that this nail problem will preclude my learning how to play classical guitar.
Hi Everett,
Hook nail, as it is sometimes called by guitarists, is an annoying problem, but it shouldn’t spell an end to your classical guitar playing.
One solution that David Russell uses, and my former teacher used to do in Australia is to heat up a small spoon over the stove and push up under the nail to get it straighter again. You will need to have another spoon (or perhaps some other material) against the flesh of the finger so you don’t burn yourself, and the effect wears off after a short while. It should be good enough for one practice session.
Another solution is to experiment with your hand position so that you are using the ramp of the nail and not catching the hook. This make your hand position quite unique, but as with all of us you will have to find what works for you.
I imagine a mix on nail experimentation, and hand position could be the best answer.
Hello, Simon.
I have this huge smile at the moment. I wrote the above question and decided I would check back for an answer on Friday. Imagine my thrill to find your quick, friendly response to my off-the-wall question about fingernails so shortly after it was posted.
I have been promising myself for years that I would learn to play classical guitar. However, I am an expatriate physician living in a remote part of Brazil. Finding a classical guitar teacher would be like trying to pull teeth from a chicken. Then, last Wednesday, I ran across your site. I listened to your video on the home page and was enamored with your friendly, relaxed manner and your apparent passion for the instrument and your obviously serious commitment to helping others learn. So, here I am.
After visiting your site, I renewed my efforts to find a way to bring the internet to my home. If that is successful my first act will be to register for your program.
I have no expectation of being an accomplished classical guitar player; I just love the sound of the instrument. Guitar seems so much more intimate to me than other instruments. If, some day I am able play one or two of the level one progressive pieces for classical guitar, I will be a very happy fellow.
Thank you for your speedy and kind reply to my question. I have my fingers crossed for an internet connection in the countryside where I live.